Tuesday, April 27, 2010
100 Posts and Counting!
Here's to a hundred more, but with pretty pictures and interesting text!
Sharing a recipe
1 1/2 cups warm water
1 tablespoon sugar
50 gram bag of fresh granulated yeast (Shimrit in Israel or equivalent in fresh compressed yeast) or 4 teaspoons dry yeast
1/3 cup + 1 tablespoon oil
Most important, enjoy the process - it doesn't matter what they look like, as long as you have a good time (funny advice from a compulsive perfectionist!).
Good luck, and enjoy!
Please keep him in mind
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Oops, I did it again
The weekly platters looked something like this:with thin mint sandwiches, peanut butter oatmeal sandwiches, chocolate chip brownies, white chocolate cherry cookies, and chocolate thumbprints, this time done correctly, with the chocolate chunks mixed into the dough.
Shabbat was nice one. Ayelet had a Shabbat Kitah in the neighborhood, so she had two classmates sleeping here, but the three of them did not join us for meals. We were home for dinner, but went to Lori and Seth's for lunch, where, as usual, we had yummy food and a great time. Jamie and Jeff were there too, which was really nice, and then Ariella went home with them to play with Noa, while Dani stayed to hang out with Elisha. After resting, we had Seuda Shlishit in the breezy backyard, and that was it for Shabbat.
Have a wonderful week!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Independence Day!!!
Here they are again, a little more mesudar, one of each design:I had an absolute blast making them, so I hope there will be more in my future!
I also made vanilla mini cupcakes, frosted two ways: chocolate fudge frosting with blue and white sprinkles, and blue and white swirled vanilla buttercream.
With some of the leftover blue royal icing, I made stars, let them dry, and perched them atop some of the blue and white cupcakes.It was a good learning experience, and don't they look precious - and kind of modern art-sy?!
Now that the holiday has passed, we are in the midst of the important period of time in the Jewish calendar called "the very few days of education before L'ag B'omer which are mostly consumed by the obsessive collecting of firewood." That will be followed in short order by "The close your windows up tight so the smoke smell doesn't get inside evening," "The day of laundry to wash out the stink of smoke," and then"The day of all haircuts," along with its sub-holiday, "Thank G-d he can finally shave day." Now I just have to find cookie flavors and designs to go along with these auspicious days.
Mazal tov to the millions of us living here, and to all of you who do not know what you are missing (y'know, besides the cookies)!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Reinventing the wheel
Same great flavors as the palmiers, with the same crunch from an edging of coarse sugar. I also made Ginger Cherry Sugar Cookies - spicy ginger melds with the sweetness of cherry preserves.When I put together the chocolate thumbprints, I was deep in conversation with David, and didn't notice that I had forgotten to add in the chopped chocolate. Thankfully, they were still yummy without. They are like Swiss Fudge Cookies of Stella D'oro fame, but better. Don't confuse them with "Chinese cookies," either. The texture is better, and the puddle of fudge has the perfect consistency - it's not just a pile of melted chocolate chips.
Yes, they would be even better with the chocolate chunks, but it will have to wait for next time.
A special order for Shabbat was a gift for a twin bar mitzvah Shabbat. I made these Sefer Torah sugar cookies with the b'nai mitzvahs names, decorated with fondant and royal icing.
They were not fabulous, but they were cute and got the point across. (Plus, they led to something even better for Yom HaAtzmaut - stay tuned for the next posting!) Here they are on the platter.And here is said platter before the enhancements.
Thin mint sandwiches, ginger cherry sugar cookies, chocolate thumbprints, Mexican brownies, lemon rosemary shortbread, red velvet sandwiches, and sugar cookie ganache sandwiches.
And that's last Shabbos - coming next, Happy 62nd Birthday to the Medina!
Monday, April 12, 2010
And did I forget to mention?
After the birds got settled in, we headed to town. We enjoyed falafel in soft, fresh, pitas and lafas, as well as seeing people holding second day chag walking around town jealously. But, not my problem. Then we went to the shuk, where Dani spent some of his hard-earned bag-boy money on a kilo of gummies for his Shabbat Kitah. He promised to share with his friends, or pay the dentist bill... We rounded out the day with Katzefet, then returning home to get ready for the return to school!
Without Dani, Shabbat was certainly not the same, but we muddled through. As I mentioned, Adina and Rivky joined us for Shabbat, and we were out for lunch, which was a pleasure. Dani returned home exhausted after Shabbat. Luckily, he did not have to be in school until 9, which he turned into 10. In the meantime, David and I went out with Lori and Seth to a cafe, and had a very nice time, returning quite late. The next morning, I went to book club/Laura's birthday breakfast in another restaurant (yeah, it's a hard-knock life for me) and had a good time, though we did not discuss the book, which I managed to read, in its entirety, the day before. Oh well. Sunday afternoon brought Ariella's final swimming class and their "recital," which was absolutely adorable - synchronized swim for the junior set. She worked unbelievably hard at learning to dive, and she was fantastic! Though I will not miss the carpool, we will surely miss the chug. Sunday night was the yishuv's Tekes Yom HaShoah, and that brings us up to today.
Have a great week!
Feeling Wonderful - and a little bit icky
Now, life is finally getting back to normal after Pesach, at least for a minute. I am back to baking and back to work. Last week functioned as a bit of a bridge between the chofesh and the real world. I tried a few baking things, just as an experiment. One such attempt was to make graham crackers. It sounds like a silly thing to make, but they are not readily available here at the store. Petit beurres (tea biscuits) can be a reasonable substitute in some recipes, but they do not have the same flavor. So I decided to make my own, mostly because I had another recipe that required them. They were delicious! Such an elevation of the humble boxed cracker!
One of our Shabbat guests, Adina, (who BTW is a friend of Shanie's who had been here before, thus making us miss Shanie very much! Lola could not understand why she didn't come here with her friends Rivky and Adina, and really didn't know why she would go to school in America!) said,"You make your own graham crackers?!...Of course you make your own graham crackers," understanding something deep and primal about me - I don't like taking help, not even from a box of cookies. And homemade is (almost) always better than bought, and books are (almost) always better than the movie.
And now, back to our regularly scheduled baking...
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Chag Sameach v'Kasher
The next day we hosted Yocheved and Jon and family for lunch. We had a great time, and will really, really miss them when they return to the U.S. We also have to thank them for getting up and out of the house to join us for lunch; it's not easy the morning after seder.
The first day of Chol HaMoed found us in the Old City, after much debate and back and forth about where to go. In the end, the Old City worked because we had it on reliable authority that it was not overly crowded, and a few other choices had been stricken because we were too tired to get moving early. We visited the Kotel, tried to get into the Churva Shul but were unsuccessful, visited the Burnt House and Herodian Quarter museums, had lunch and ice cream (the sign said "כשר לפח" instead of "כשר לפסח" which gave us all a good laugh, but if it's kosher for the can, it's good for us.), and returned home. A good time had by all.
The second day was a trip to Ma'arat Hanetifim - the Stalactite cave near Beit Shemesh. It was a nice ride (for those of us who don't experience motion sickness; sadly I cannot count myself among their numbers) and a nice tour. We got extra exercise from having to park relativly far away and walking to and from the car, and the signs there let you know how many calories you have burned from walking up the steps, all 175 after you emerge from the cave. How thoughtful. We capped the day off with a visit to the gourmet ice cream store in Modiin (if the calorie burning wasn't appreciated, we squandered its effects) and the neighboring fruit and vegetable store. Tomorrow will bring Shabbat preparations, and the cycle of cook, clean, eat, will begin anew.
Moadim L'simcha