Let's start with an easy one, a sheva brachot.
Another sheva brachot held on the same night was a giant step to the formal. Having had no wedding cake at the wedding, the parents of the bride wanted a very wedding-like cake. We went with an all white decoration of various flowers and a monogram on a cake of alternating chocolate and vanilla layers.
Shana had a great time working on
the sugar flowers while we all pretended we were working in Carlo's bake shop.
Another fun cake was this l'chaim cake,
a tall, 4 layer white cake, filled with alternating layers of lemon curd (world's most perfect food, I could wax rhapsodic on its merits for hours, but I digress) and buttercream, covered with more buttercream and fondant blossoms.
Next post will continue with more tempting photos; til then, let's all try to get some sleep!
Really beautiful work on that all white cake!!
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