One thing that is a lot of fun about catering jobs over Shabbat cookie platters is the opportunity to personalize. Color schemes are a common request - matching the desserts to the linens and/or paper goods and centerpieces. For Yoni and Meira's Sheva Brachot, the colors were purple and light green. Half of the cupcakes, chocolate or vanilla cake filled with chocolate cream and topped with rich chocolate buttercream, received flowers as their decorations.

But to get even a bit more personal, for the other half of the cupcakes, filled with vanilla cream and topped with vanilla buttercream, we took decoration to the next level, with medallions with messages and designs to reflect the occasion.

Hearts, large and small, and "Mazal Tov" and the names of the Chattan and Kallah adorned the cupcakes.

Mazal tov!! Wishing Meira and Yoni a lifetime of happiness.