Sometimes you are lucky enough to have good neighbors. Sometimes you are even luckier, when those neighbors turn out to be good friends. We have been fortunate in that respect in every home we have lived in. And when you have a chance to show your appreciation for that good fortune, even better.
Our neighbor Nitzan recently celebrated her bat mitzvah. I had the privilege of preparing dessert for her Shabbat celebration, as well as the centerpieces for her party. The theme of the celebration? Uniquely perfect for Nitzan: flowers and basketballs.
Here is the story of the centerpieces:

In the construction phase - preparing all of the cookies on sticks, before adding detail. Hand detailed centers were added to the blue flowers and to purple ones as well, a perfect match for the paper goods.

Then we added detail to make it all perfect - the basketball cookies said Nitzan's name.

Tulip cookies on a stick rounded out the flowers.

Finally, we started to assemble the cookie bouquet centerpieces.

Nitzan's family finished assembly at the hall, adding the mylar shreds, and the cookie bouquet centerpieces were complete.
Next time, an array of Shabbat desserts. Mazal tov to Nitzan!
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