But an article can include only so much information, so I wanted to include a few of the things that I learned, some the hard way, when it comes to produce shopping in Israel. I have also learned that what I am writing is generally true for the country, but specifically for my area. There may be some variations if you live in a different zone.
1. Produce is seasonal! I cannot stress this one enough. It is not a matter of being willing to pay for out of season fruits and vegetables. They are just not available. Make use of what is beautiful, and pay attention to the prices. A low price can mean one of two things: the produce is beautiful and plentiful, or it is nasty and should be avoided, even though it is unusually well priced. This happens a lot with peppers, but can also be true of other items.
2. Israelis do not know what good fresh corn or green beans are. I am sorry, I don't mean to generalize or be prejudiced, it's just a sad truth. They have not been exposed to the deliciousness that these vegetables can be. Corn on the cob here is not what we got back in the Garden State - sweet, juicy, delicious - but is starchy and blah. Just skip it. Frozen corn is somewhat better, and so is (egads!) canned, but the fresh will just make you sad.
Same with green beans. Fresh are starchy and icky. We have been much happier with frozen, though that too will occasionally disappoint. They are delicious roasted, steamed, or sauteed, and are available frozen both cut and whole, and even haricot verts, called "adina" (delicate) or "dak meod" (very thin).
3. Parsnips - fuggedaboutit! Parsnips were a mainstay of my chicken soup back in the States, but no more. They really don't exist here. My soup has had a radical transformation since we moved. We make a veggie heavy soup, which includes, in addition to the staples of carrot, onion, garlic, and zucchini, along with the fresh dill and parsley that we always used, chunks of kohlrabi and pumpkin, butternut squash and/or sweet potato. On occasion I will include a whole tomato, particularly if I am making a Teimani version, which is made delicious with hawaij l'marak, a spice mix for soup which includes seasonings like turmeric, cumin, black pepper, and cardamon. (Don't confuse this with hawaij l'cafe, a spice mix for your coffee!)

4. Avocados - different, but still good. Also a seasonal item, we never get the Haas avocadoes that we were accustomed to in the States. The variety available here can be pretty hit or miss, sometimes failing to ripen, sometimes going mushy before your eyes. But when they're good, they're very good.
5. Even apples have their off-season. Lately, the apples in have been mealy and not particularly tasty. The price is low (as I mentioned before), so apple sauce, pie, or cobbler is not a bad idea. Also, apple varieties are available sporadically. So if you love you some Pink Ladies, if you see them on the shelf, grab a giant bagful because they may not be there again for a while. In fact, that is a pretty good piece of advice for pretty much anything you see in the stores here. You can't bank on most things being there on your next trip, so learn to stock up on things you don't want to live without.
I may add to this list as additional items occur to me, so feel free to leave any comments or questions so this can be as helpful as possible!
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