I admit it - cupcakes have me hooked. It's not making them, or decorating them, or even eating them, though I love all of the above. It's just the fact of them - they are cute and little and personal, they can be delicious, and people just seem to love them. It seems like every Tom, Dick, and Harry in the U.S. has a cupcake boutique. There are a great many blogs devoted to them. So I added a link to one of the best, "Cupcakes Take the Cake." (You can find it on the right side, under "Good Reads.") Lots of pictures, great links, sometimes fascinating (people, even professionals, can be weird with their cupcakes!). I am trying to wean myself off by not reading it every single day. Now you can try to make up for my not being there! Maybe this is just a site for hardcore baked good fans, but just maybe you will like it, too. Or maybe you already secretly read it. Everyone needs a guilty pleasure like this one.
Hope you enjoy,
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