and she also enjoyed her gift - a Fur-real Friend that Shana brought back from the US. All in all, a very happy birthday! Ad meah v'esrim, Lola, in health and happiness!
and she also enjoyed her gift - a Fur-real Friend that Shana brought back from the US. All in all, a very happy birthday! Ad meah v'esrim, Lola, in health and happiness!
This was the first set of cookies this summer - for a 50th birthday of a proud birthday girl. Then someone celebrating a fiftieth anniversary saw them and wanted the same thing, but anniversary subbing for birthday. Since I neglected to photograph the platter, I phonied up another cookie for your enjoyment. Just picture this in the center of a cookie platter, with the same "50" cookie surrounding it. I also provided a Shabbat Chattan platter,
a "Mazal tov," need to impress someone platter,
and an assortment to embellish a bar mitzvah oneg Shabbat.
In all honesty, these were phonied up too, as I was pressed for time and didn't photograph the purchased dozen. Then I did platters for another bar mitzvah, to greet the guests as they arrived for Shabbat, and added decor cookies just for a little somethng special. These, by the way, are the real thing.Cool how just a couple of cookies can liven up the whole look, right?! I must give credit to my artist daughter, who designed all of the really cool cookies. Where the talent comes from, who can say, but it remains a mystery to me! Now I just need time to work on my royal icing skills. Someday, I hope, but not too far away!
Hope you liked these little favors!