This cake was for Zahava, who turned 18. She is in Shana's class, but is a full year older than Shana. So whatever panic I feel about my daughter's age, Zahava's mom has a year's worth more. On the other hand, she seems less freaked out than I, and ordered this cake to celebrate her daughter.
Zahava is a lifeguard,

and she is also very active in B'nei Akiva (I just love the little tilboshet with the green shoelace!).

Many of her friends refer to her by her initials, "ZZ."

She can frequently be found chatting or texting on her red cell phone.

Her parents could not be prouder of their 18-year old.

Yom Huledet Sameach, Zahava! Hope you enjoyed this chocolate cake filled with chocolate mousse buttercream!

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