Today marks the first day of the school year for Shana and Ayelet. Despite the ridiculousness of having to go to school on Friday, which is a three hour, five minute day, I am feeling a sense of relief that structure will at long last be returning to our lives. On the other hand, it is 8:08 in the morning, I am sitting in the kitchen, my platters for Shabbat are all packed up, and now I have to go pack up Dani and Ariella for a Shabbat at Saba and Savta's. And I would rather be in bed. School brings that unfortunate adjunct - waking up for school. There was a nice feeling in August of not always having to get up bright and early. Not being a morning person, I am going to miss that. I like being productive, but I prefer be so at night. Despite the hour, I of course had to tkae a first day of school picture of the annoyed and slightly tired young ladies.
To backtrack, on Wednesday we went to the mall in Malcha for a last hurrah, last shopping experience. Our intention was to go, shop, have lunch at the food court, shop some more, and then head to Yael and Aaron's for a barbeque. It almost went according to plan. However, the entire country seemed to be in the mall, and most of them were taking up every seat and most of the air in the food court. So instead of enjoying all the options that are uniquely available in the kosher food court, we ate upstairs at Burger King. Well, we had fun, and Lola got a crown. She also got the tik (backpack) of her dreams. Then we headed to the Katsmans and had a great time and a yummy barbeque.
On Thursday, the best thing ever happened - Jordy was home and awake!! Lola had been waiting anxiously for days, asking about his return, and now it was finally here. Sadly, because Ariella had an appointment, they could only play for about half an hour, but look how cute they are together!

I just wonder if the whole cooties thing is going to set in soon, and they won't want to play together. Or maybe we will be lucky, and they'll just coast past that.
Thursday was also baking day - everything compressed into one day, but somehow it came together.
This week's flavors are chocolate caramel sandwiches, chocolate pecan fingers, old fashioned sugar cookies, tuxedo brownies, and linzer cookies. The chocolate caramel usually give me agita, but this time I handled to dough differently, and it seems to have done the trick. Hopefully, the guests at our friends' kiddush (Happy 20th Anniversary Robin and Avi!) will agree. Robin is a big linzer cookie and chocolate caramel fan, so these were made by request. Here is a look at the large platter, with mostly their favorite flavors.
Soon David will be taking the younger ones to Har Nof for Shabbat, and picking up a carpool of the big ones and friends from school. Their busing situation had to be adjusted in light of additional riders, but the guy who runs the buses is sitting shiva, so things are a bit, shall we say fluid. Bottom line, parents are doing a rotation so that until the big bus starts doing the run everyone will have a seat. Guess it's time to cook for Shabbat.
Wishing you a good Shabbat!
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