I have been dying to jump on the mini-dessert bandwagon. Isn't everything cuter when it's little? A few weeks ago I attempted to make some mini tarts. The tarts succeeded, the photos not so much. This was the last few days of my former camera, which started to show the effects of being dropped days and days prior. It seemed to be okay, then just suddenly started to give up the ghost - ooh, mysterious. Lucky for me, I had a new one on the way. But in any case, these are the teeny weeny desserts we enjoyed, just please forgive the horrible quality of the pictures.

Mini apple crumble tarts - yummy apple filling, with a crumb topping. They were delicious, though I did discover that without the pans, they do not stand up well to gentle reheating. After all, shouldn't every apple pie be eaten warm, preferably with ice cream or whipped cream on top? I will have to remember the pans next time. They were floppy, but still so good.

Chocolate ganache mini tartlets, topped with coffee whipped cream and a sprinkling of sugared cocoa. Really good, and a great size - two bites of dessert, very little guilt.

Milky way tarts - what you can't see is the layer of caramel under the bitterweet chocolate ganache. Really more of a milky way midnight tartlet, which prompted David to say that they taste pareve. Which is really to say, "I prefer my chocolate very sweet - high cocoa solids content - phooey. Give me the less than 40% any day. " Not that he necessarily knows what all that is about. But that is the interpretation. If I, on the other hand, can fool myself into believing that a high percentage actually makes the chocolate a good thing for me to eat, I am totally good with that.
If you all can think of more flavors to make mini - tarts or tartlets, mousses, cakes, cupcakes, pavlovas, trifles - anything you think would rock in small size - please let me know. I have a few more in the pipeline, but I have to come up with free time to experiment!
Now back to this week's baking!
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