Ayelet is turning 14 this week - all week long! We prefer to celebrate both Hebrew and English birthdays and the span in between, so from Sunday to Friday (and really through Shabbat), we will be paying tribute to the fact that Ayelet is no longer 13 - maybe we will have better luck this year, i.e. less thirteen-ish behavior...
In honor of entering into the birthday zone, we had tie-dye cupcakes (inspiration courtesy of my friend Lisa, who could tell you all about it herself if only she would update her blog!!!! hint, hint, of the not-so-subtle variety!) They were tasty, if not delicious, but the visual certainly made quite the impression. They were lots of fun to make, and next time, maybe I will go bolder on the colors.

Here's a view of the inside - groovy, right?!

The most recent platter photo that I managed to come up with is this, taken with my new camera. I am trying to decide whether the "Food" setting is best, or if I should go with "Close-up" or "Auto."
A very tasty selection of chocolate dipped chocolate chip cookies, raspberry truffle brownies, sugar cookie ganache sandwiches, apricot squares, and molasses cream sandwiches. Yum, if I am allowed to say so myself!
I hope to get some more posts up this week, on a variety of subjects including baking experiments and fun food finds, but I can't make any promises.
With the best of intentions,
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