Monday, June 29, 2009
End of school dinner at Noah's Ark
Forgot to mention that on Friday, David took Dani, as well as Yosef and Binyamin Wallin, to bring ices and cold soda to the chayalim before Shabbat. We are part of the yishuv rotation to bring coffee and nosh to the machsomim every night, but this was the first time we had a Friday - an addition which was added to the schedule only recently. It was actually our second turn this month; the summer months find many of the regulars out of town, and some of those of us who are manning the homefront double up on turns. The chayalim are always so grateful and gracious. It makes me feel like I am building up goodwill on high for when Dani is in the army. It makes the mind wobble to see how young some of these guys are, young men and women who are protecting us 24/7.
Yesterday we had the nicest surprise visit from David's cousin's Malkie and Dave, who are here on business. They were staying in Tel Aviv and came on down to see us. We have not seen them in a couple of years, so it was great to catch up on their family and what all the kids and grandkids are up to. I think they got a kick out of being in the shtachim and seeing the neighboring Arab villages, not to mention the separation fence. They also seemed to like the neighborhood - they were not accustomed to seeing houses, rather than apartments, and lots of greenery and landscaping.
And now I am going to batten down the hatches for the very last day of school, and do a little baking prep. Have a good day/night!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Oven Woes
Otherwise, things are somewhat quiet here. The population has thinned out in the neighborhood and will continue to do so as the American exodus continues. Our friend's son had his aufruf this Shabbat and will be getting married later in the week. The new arrivals to the yishuv will start this week, but only a handful of families are slated to move here this summer. A bunch are coming for a year and others are moving in from other cities in Israel, so we are light on the real new olim thing. Still, we know some of the newbies and it will be nice to welcome them. Lots of other people are travelling, too. A couple of friends were in the old country for a week for various simchas, so it was nice to have them back. Our brother- and sister-in-law are in London for some family smachot, very last minute thing. David's parents are in the States - enjoying a trip to the Canadian Rockies and now visiting family in NY. They have sent some updates and photos - it looks gorgeous there! - and sound to be having fun. They are big travelers, having gone a bunch of places in the last several years, both in Europe and the US. Maybe someday we will travel a bit, but for now, we are content to be holding down the fort for everyone who has skipped town. Also, have not yet won mega-lottery.
That's all folks. Will try to come up with something more interesting for the next post. Dvora
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Time keeps on slippin...
Thursday, June 18, 2009
The party's over
Busy getting ready for Shabbat - assembling the cookie platters usually comes first on Friday, but I feel a little lost without my assistant Shana. This week's flavors: banana chocolate chip bars, chai spice sugar cookies, fudgy oatmeal brownies, honey pecan squares, and whoopie pies (that one's for you, Josh Saltzman!) Dani has a Shabbat kitah, which means the boys are paired off and are meant to eat one meal at each boy's home. But Dani's partner's parents are away for Shabbat, so they will be here for dinner and lunch, as well as a sleepover, and then we (they boys and the parents) have seuda shlishit together. In addition, we are having a lot of lunch company - Arica and Josh, and Sara and Akiva and their families. They are all abandoning us this week - wait, Arica, when are you leaving? - so it will be nice to spend some time before the exodus.
I am off to my cooking and cleaning, so I will take this opportunity to wish one and all a Shabbat Shalom. Cookie details and pix after Shabbat (b'li neder)!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
It's been such a long time
Friday, June 12, 2009
Looking forward to the menucha
Last night was Ariella's mesibat siyum from gan chova. It was really very sweet and we were so proud of our little graduate, who of course has two more weeks of gan left afterward. The party was scheduled early to accomodate the families who are starting the annual mass exodus very early this year. Personally, I look forward to the quiet that the summer brings, though not the extreme heat. But enough tangent. Ariella did a very good job of singing all the songs, dancing and doing hand motions. I was sitting next to Nicky, whose son Kovy has been in gan with Lola for the last three years and was also enthusiastically performing. We were both a little worked up thinking about how far they have both come - at their three year nursery Chanuka party, neither Ariella nor Kovy were exactly lively participants, and now here they are ready for first grade! Speaking of which, the graduates spent the day visiting the mamad today, seeing what kitah alef will be like. Ariella was excited, but had some reservations at first. "Imma," she said,"Did you know that in kitah alef you have to sit in the same seat all day long? How boring!" But she was clearly over that by the end of the day (euphemism for 11:45 Friday dismissal), when she thoroughly enjoyed classwork in reading, writing, math, and parashat hashavua. Also, getting an ice pop at the end was clear incentive.
Finishing up baking for this Shabbat took a while - the lack of productivity I mentioned. I will try to post photos after Shabbat, as there is no time now even for the typing I am doing. This week's flavors were Sacher torte sandwiches, cranberry orange white chocolate cookies, hermit sticks, tuxedo brownies, and chocolate cinnamon squares, a new flavor. I will have to monkey around with them a bit, since I did not love them, but David and the kids did, so who am I to argue?!
Looking forward to a quiet Shabbat - just going to a seuda shlishit for a bat mitzvah, but otherwise hoping for lots of rest.
Shabbat Shalom,
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Long day
Anyway, here's what I spent oh so many hours on. This was a sefer torah cake for a bar mitzvah from Reut (a town next to Modiin). First I sandwiched the two layers of chocolate cake with buttercream. Then I rolled the cocoa roll to form the scrolls and covered the whole thing in buttercream. Not too exciting, right? Kind of looks like the bottom of a chair!
but then moved them to the middle - I just preferred it that way.
Finally, I had to pack it for transport. Unfortunately, I have been unable to find cake boxes in this country that fit a cake larger than 10" round. Even when I was in the States, the stores were all sold out of the size that works for this size cake, though I did find a few for 9x13" cakes. So David, the king of improvisation (he really is, who would think) took a supermarket fruit crate and made the perfect carrying case.Finally, I cranked up the a/c in the car, tossed it in and drove to the hall. All in all, it was a nice cake, though not my favorite. I would go with slightly more subtle design and coloration, but this was based on a cake I did for Ariella's gan, and the client really wanted something similar. Also, I had a bunch of problems, I believe weather related, that I will not even recount here, but it made the whole thing a challenge. I hope the baalei simcha are happy with it - I delivered directly to the hall, and I was a little nervous about the fact that their air conditioning was not on yet. But the manager promised to turn it on shortly, and I took photos to document the safe arrival. But I can't dwell on it, because there is always more to do. Now on to baking for Shabbat and for Ariella's mesibat siyum. Wish me luck!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Siman tov u'mazal tov
Today was mostly spent baking and frosting a bar mitzvah cake, which gets delivered to the customer tomorrow. It is a sefer torah with tefillin sitting on top. The last time I made a sefer torah I swore that I would never attempt it again, and this time I just swore. It is very difficult to get super-smooth icing on a cake that is shaped like this. That just offends the compulsive perfectionist part of me. Also, the roll cake parts that form the scrolls are a big pain because their composition makes them slippery, preventing the buttercream from "wanting" to stick to the cake. But I hope it comes out well, and makes the baalei simcha very happy. Tomorrow is decoration morning, so I will post b"h soon.
For those who asked: Shana's bagrut is over, and she thinks it went well. Now is a lot of waiting. A matkonet, which I mentioned previously, is a test giving by the high school to check skills and prepare students for the test. Two are given shortly before a bagrut, and their grades are worked in with the year's performance to create a grade for the whole year. Then the year grade is balanced with the bagrut grade to give kids a fair shot in case they have a bad day for the bagrut. At least that is what my little olah chadasha brain understands...
And that's all folks - and yes, I am going to sleep, so never worry, never fear. G'night
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Shavua tov
Chocolate raspberry truffle brownies - rich fudge brownies, with the hint of fruit giving it a nice sweet accent.
This is the last lonely cherry oatmeal crumble bar. By the time I managed to take a photo of it after Shabbat, it was the only one left. And I thought I had made so many! They are homey, oatmeal based bars, with a hint of almond and sweet cherry preserves. They even once got a shout-out from my brother-in-law Aaron on his blog. Sorry about the no leftovers!
Finally, this is this week's variety, as seen on a 36 piece platter, before wrapping (and gift wrapping). Thin mint sandwiches are on the left, followed by the chocolate raspberry, cherry oatmeal, chocolate crinkles, a repeat on the bars, and then the ginger crinkles all the way on the right. Hope everyone enjoyed.
This will be a busy week - we have coffee for the chayalim, two weddings, a mesibat siyum at gan, a visit to kitah alef for Ariella (can't believe we are already up to that!), a bat mitzvah on Shabbat, and who knows what else will pop up. Wishing you all a great week!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Shabbat Shalom!
First cookies this week are ginger crinkles, chewy and spicy and simple. It's one of those classics that just works.
Another classic - chocolate crinkle cookies. They are soft and cakey and rich, with chocolate chips accenting the texture.
And the last for today, the thin mint sandwich cookies. Chocolate cookies, chocolate mint ganache, dipped in chocolate - they're heavenly, scout's honor!
The other flavors for this week will have to wait to be photographed. Now it's time to finish up the Shabbat preparation and gulp down the food that we spent all that time cooking today. Wishing you all a Shabbat Shalom u'Mevorach.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Yom Huledet Sameach to Ayelet!
The country is now in a multi-day emergency drill. At 11 today, a siren will go off and we are all supposed to head to our safe rooms. The kids in the elementary school have been told that they will stay in the miklat for an hour! That is a lot of squishy together time. But in the current situation, best to be prepared and aware. It is always a revelation to realize that we live in a place where the world political climate impacts so acutely on our day-to-day life.
Today is the day I start to prep this week's baking. Pretty certain that this week will feature thin mint sandwiches, ginger crinkles, chocolate crinkles (guess I was feeling crinkly!), raspberry truffle brownies, and cherry oatmeal crumble bars. I like to balance shapes, colors, and flavors, and also to keep in mind individual tastes - customers who don't like chocolate, those who don't like fruit, special requests (like a certain young guest who was very disappointed that there were no ginger crinkles last Shabbat, leading me to realize that it has been a while for that particular flavor), and avoiding repetition. I now have 70 flavors on the menu, which is likely to increase thanks to my penchant for experimentation. I would love to get suggestions from other people for new flavors, as I always think it is a good idea to hear from people with their own preferences rather than just relying on myself and my particular favorites.
Since this post looks kind of naked with a picture, I thought I would include one here, apropos of nothing, just for fun. These are the much discussed on the internet Cake Bite Truffles. I had seen them so often that I figured I just had to try them! They came out looking great, and my in-house critics (my kids) LOVED them, not that they are that hard to please, though I do respect their opinions. I have added them to the menu, but will probably not be making them for Shabbat platters until the weather cools off, as chocolate does not travel so beautifully under the hot Israeli sun. Will just have to keep them for my own guests in the meantime!
Until next time, stay sweet (that could be my send-off, or maybe something a lot cooler)!