They say "Mishenichnas Adar, marbim bsimcha," when Adar comes in, joy abounds. True, and it is now Adar Alef - almost Bet - but these cookies were to celebrate Rosh Chodesh Sh'vat, the month that includes Tu b'Sh'vat, the new year for the trees. And these Rosh Chodesh treats were chosen to match the themes.

Chocolate dipped chocolate chip cookies, moon pies, snickerdoodles, half-moon cookies, and oatmeal raisin cream sandwiches all reflected either the month or the new moon. The recipients had fun discussing with their children why each flavor was chosen - can you figure them all out? The platter was topped off with a sugar cookie showcasing the Shivat HaMinim - the seven species special to the land.

For those of you who can't sing it out, they are wheat, barley, grape, fig, pomegranate, olive and date palm. Hope you can identify which is which!
Hoping that your Sh'vat was a healthy and prosperous months, as should be all months going forward.
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